Acne is one of the unwanted skin problems. Because sometimes acne that appears on the face not only causes pain to the sufferer. But at the same time it also reduces confidence and causes annoyance to the sufferer. There are many ways to deal with acne problems. People with acne must find a treatment method that combines them together in order to get the best acne treatment. And one of the acne treatment methods that we will introduce is Acne vitamins that specifically target acne, allowing you to confidently reveal your clear skin.

Certain vitamins may help reduce acne problems, such as:
Vitamin A can help nourish the skin in many ways, including acne. Vitamin A use to treat acne is call retinol or retinoid, which is commonly found in skin care products . Retinol or retinoid helps exfoliate the skin and remove dirt that clogs the pores. Which can help prevent and reduce the chances of acne breakouts. In addition to being found in skin care products, vitamin A can also be found in foods such as eggs, fish, milk, shrimp, carrots, โปรโมชั่น ufabet, and pumpkins.
Vitamins B2 and B6 have properties that help nourish the skin. And remove dead skin cells to make the skin look healthy. They also have properties that help control excess oil, which is a cause of acne. Vitamins B2 and B6 work well together if taken with vitamin C. Anyone with acne problems is advise to take these vitamins together for effective acne treatment.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce and prevent acne. In addition, people who are deficient in vitamin E often have acne problems. Therefore, taking vitamin E as an acne-reducing vitamin may help reduce the chances of acne.
Vitamin C is another acne-reducing vitamin that has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce redness and swelling from acne. Vitamin C may also help reduce dark spots and acne marks. Is found in high amounts in citrus fruits. As well as other foods such as tomatoes, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables.
Zinc is one of the vitamins and minerals that are just as important as other vitamins because it is beneficial in taking care of the body in all aspects by controlling the processes in the body to proceed efficiently. It helps in the functioning of up to 300 types of enzymes in the body. In terms of skin care, it plays an important role, both in helping to nourish the skin, replenishing moisture to make the skin look healthy, not dry, and treating acne. With a mechanism of working by balancing the amount of oil, therefore controlling the problem of acne clogging the pores from too much oil. Helping to reduce bacteria that is the cause of acne, reducing inflammation. And having antioxidants that help slow down the deterioration of skin cells.
But the most important thing if you want to reduce acne on your face is to take care of cleanliness. If you use makeup, use a cleanser to wipe it off thoroughly to prevent acne. And inflammation problems that will follow. And try not to squeeze, pick or pop acne yourself because it may stimulate inflammation. Also, you should not use unclean hands to touch your face directly. This way, you can avoid acne.